Nikki Durkin

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Nikki Durkin
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Nikki Durkin
Nikki Durkin
"Anyway," I continued, "my point here is that the life review emphasizes love and knowledge. Since God…
7 min read
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Nikki Durkin
Nikki Durkin
"And what if she dies?" Zac asked. "Then she'll return home, to love and peace…
4 min read
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Nikki Durkin
Nikki Durkin
"All illness is created first in the mind," I repeated. "Let's examine this idea in…
4 min read
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Nikki Durkin
Nikki Durkin
"I also want to draw a connection between this ice-crystal pattern, and the health of the human body. God…
4 min read
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Ice Crystals

Nikki Durkin
Nikki Durkin
"Exactly," I replied. "Now, before we move on, I want you to notice the description of the…
9 min read