Nikki Durkin

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Nikki Durkin
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Love and Fear

Nikki Durkin
Nikki Durkin
Zac looked at me skeptically. "Are you saying that love can be reduced to math?" "Of course,…
10 min read
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Nikki Durkin
Nikki Durkin
"Yeah, but what about all the other laws of physics?" Zac said. "Does this algorithm account for…
4 min read
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Nikki Durkin
Nikki Durkin
"I have a question," Zac said. "How come a human body is so compliant and can consistently…
4 min read
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Nikki Durkin
Nikki Durkin
"Anyway, let's zoom out and examine the same pattern in the context of a business. A business…
8 min read