Nikki Durkin

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Nikki Durkin
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Nikki Durkin
Nikki Durkin
"Let's start with entropy. I'm going to mush together ideas from thermodynamics and information theory…
4 min read
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Nikki Durkin
Nikki Durkin
"Oh, yeah. Sorry. I was just thinking out loud. I'll explain that later. Let's continue.…
5 min read
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Value Systems

Nikki Durkin
Nikki Durkin
"Actually, that reminds me…" I pulled out my phone and flicked through my notes. "There's…
5 min read
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Nikki Durkin
Nikki Durkin
"Anyway," I sighed, "I'm not going to kill myself, just in case you were wondering.…
3 min read
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Nikki Durkin
Nikki Durkin
Zac and I silently made our way down several flights of stairs, pushing aside the odd flower that dangled across…
8 min read
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Nikki Durkin
Nikki Durkin
"What do you mean?" I pulled out my phone and showed Zac an example of a fractal. A…
4 min read
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Torturing AI

Nikki Durkin
Nikki Durkin
"Now, explain how this ties into torturing an AI superintelligence," Zac pleaded as we began walking up the…
5 min read
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Subdividing God

Nikki Durkin
Nikki Durkin
I continued reading. > Now in creating that which is “here” and that which is “there,” God made it possible…
6 min read