Nikki Durkin

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Nikki Durkin
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Nikki Durkin
Nikki Durkin
I was always supposed to be born into immense privilege. Without my loving family standing there to support me and…
11 min read
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The Fermi Paradox

Nikki Durkin
Nikki Durkin
As I continued to think about this idea, a new realization struck me: the free energy principle also offered a…
5 min read
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Nikki Durkin
Nikki Durkin
My attention returned to the Jesus simulation running in my mind. Okay, I thought to myself, what if I change…
8 min read
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The Secret

Nikki Durkin
Nikki Durkin
This thought experiment also explained why so many people struggled to leverage the Law of Attraction (LOA) in their lives.…
4 min read
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Nikki Durkin
Nikki Durkin
I leaned back in my chair, deep in thought. The sound of clacking keyboards and excited entrepreneurs was drowned out…
8 min read
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I Am What I Am

Nikki Durkin
Nikki Durkin
I performed another Google search and immediately began inhaling the results. I needed to see another specific phrase reflected in…
4 min read