Nikki Durkin

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Nikki Durkin
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Bayesian Brains

Nikki Durkin
Nikki Durkin
Zac tilted his head to one side. “I mean, it’s weird-as-fuck, but I understand what’s happening.” “Okay, good.…
7 min read
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It From Bit

Nikki Durkin
Nikki Durkin
Zac nodded. “So… so far, it’s more likely that reality and consciousness are the same thing, just based on…
3 min read
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Bayesian Rationality

Nikki Durkin
Nikki Durkin
“So we’ve established, as a baseline, that a correct application of the scientific method means we should assume that…
3 min read
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Ockham's Razor

Nikki Durkin
Nikki Durkin
Five Years Later... “Zac!” I yelled as I burst through the door. “Zac! I’ve figured it out! This is…
9 min read