Idea: a professional high-quality illustration of a giraffe dragon chimera...

Symbols that DALL·E generates:

Idea: an armchair in the shape of an avocado...

Symbols that DALL·E generates:

In addition to possessing different brain-wave patterns, the sub-personalities of a multiple have strong psychological separation from one another. Each has his own name, age, memories and abilities. Often each also has his own style of handwriting, announced gender, cultural and racial background, artistic talents, foreign language fluency and IQ.

Even more noteworthy are the biological changes that take place in a multiple’s body when they switch personalities. Frequently a medical condition possessed by one personality will mysteriously vanish when another personality takes over. Dr. Bennett Braun of the International Society for the Study of Multiple Personality, in Chicago, has documented a case in which all of a patient’s subpersonalities were allergic to orange juice, except one. If the man drank orange juice when one of his allergic personalities was in control, he would break out in a terrible rash. But if he switched to his nonallergic personality, the rash would instantly start to fade and he could drink orange juice freely. [...]

Allergies are not the only thing multiples can switch on and off. If there was any doubt as to the control the unconscious mind has over drug effects, it is banished by the pharmacological wizardry of the multiple. By changing personalities, a multiple who is drunk can instantly become sober. Different personalities also respond differently to different drugs. Braun records a case in which 5 milligrams of diazepam, a tranquilizer, sedated one personality, while 100 milligrams had little or no effect on another. Often one or several of a multiple’s personalities are children, and if an adult personality is given a drug and then a child’s personality takes over, the adult dosage may be too much for the child and result in an overdose. It is also difficult to anesthetize some multiples, and there are accounts of multiples waking up on the operating table after one of their ‘unanesthetizable’ subpersonalities has taken over.

Other conditions that can vary from personality to personality include scars, burn marks, cysts, and left- and right-handedness. Visual acuity can differ, and some multiples have to carry two or three different pairs of eyeglasses to accommodate their alternating personalities. One personality can be color-blind and another not, and even eye color can change. There are cases of women who have two or three menstrual periods each month because each of their subpersonalities has its own cycle. Speech pathologist Christy Ludlow had found that the voice pattern for each of the multiple personalities is different, a feat that requires such a deep physiological change that even the most accomplished actor cannot alter his voice enough to disguise his voice pattern. One multiple, admitted to a hospital with diabetes, baffled her doctors by showing no symptoms when one of her nondiabetic personalities was in control. There are accounts of epilepsy coming and going with changes in personality, and psychologist Robert A. Philips, Jr., reports that even tumors can appear and disappear (although he does not specify what kind of tumors).

A sandbox game is a video game with a gameplay element that provides the player a great degree of creativity to interact with, usually without any predetermined goal, or alternatively with a goal that the player sets for themselves. Such games may lack any objective, and are sometimes referred to as non-games or software toys. [...] Rather than 'winning' a game, a sandbox design allows player to 'complete' a game by exploring and actualizing all of its options. [...]

Game historian Steve Breslin describes "the metaphor [as] a child playing in a sandbox ... produc[ing] a world from sand", compared to games with more fully formed content. [...] This can distinguish it from conventional ideas of a game, where the metaphorical sandbox is a "play space in which people can try on different roles and imaginary quests ... rather than a 'game' to play."

You: I am a successful high-end real estate agent.

Gaming engine: Okay, you are. Here's everything you need to experience yourself as a successful high-end real estate agent: the dream clients, the best properties with large commissions, the perfect buyers for those properties, the ideas to attract those buyers, etc.

You: I desperately want to be a millionaire.

Gaming engine: Okay, you do. Here's everything you need to experience yourself as desperately wanting to be a millionaire: get rich quick schemes, terrible ideas and terrible advice that lead to failure, not having a million dollars in your bank account no matter how hard you try.

You: I am a struggling actor.

Gaming engine: Okay, you are! Here's everything you need to experience yourself as a struggling actor: the auditions that seldom amount to anything, the lack of respect, the lack of consistent income.

You: There's never enough time!

Gaming engine: Okay, there isn't! Here's everything you need to experience yourself as never having enough time: the long meetings, interruptions, an overflowing inbox full of trivial emails, your kids getting sick, your car breaking down and needing to be fixed, etc.

You: My life is an incredible adventure full of mystery, intrigue, serendipity, romance, and magic.

Gaming engine: Okay, it is. Here is a sequence of quests, characters, and storylines to give you a magical life full of mystery, serendipity, and romance: the handsome prince, the clues hidden in old books, the whimsical travel, the serendipitous collision of fate between two strangers.

Idea: an armchair in the shape of a strawberry...

Symbols that DALL·E generates: