Because by doing all of this and doing it the way you're doing it, you're basically showing as an example to others that they can do this as well, right? That what they've always thought of as the only ways are not the only ways — they're the limited ways. They're the ways that used to work. But there are other ways now. And so by exploring all of that, you then become a demonstration to others about what they really have the capacity to do if they'll let go of their preconceived notions about the way the world has to work.

So however crazy and independent you may have been up until this point, it's going to continue. And I don't want to say it's going to get worse, but it's going to become more intense. Because as you move forward you're not going to suffer fools, and you're just going to say "okay, this is something I want to get done" and you'll do it. [...] Because you're not here to make other people happy. You're here to experience for yourself the depths of what you can do, and enjoy the company of others.