The Philosopher's Stone will teach you the science of reality creation. Think of it like a science-fiction intellectual adventure novel — minus the fiction. It will install a completely new, upgraded operating system in your mind.

The Philosopher's Stone is essential reading for any budding gameist. An unfinished draft version is available to read on tablets or laptops (I still need to debug the formatting on mobile devices). Completing this project by May 2022 is my highest priority. I also want to publish a physical copy of the book, though I haven't started working on that project yet.

Atlas will teach you the practical art of reality creation. It takes everything you learned in The Philosopher's Stone and integrates it into your day-to-day life. You can choose any quest in the game — anything you want to be, do or have —  and Atlas will guide you step-by-step as you translate your vision into physical form. I'm going to teach you everything I know about manipulating free energy — how to generate it, redistribute it, utterly control it.

I developed Atlas for my own personal use, but structuring and sharing this practical knowledge is a huge creative project for me — and I haven't started working on it yet. There will be three components to Atlas: the course material, the software to help you integrate the system into your life, and a community of like-minded gameists to support you on your quests.

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