The Tarot is a deck of 78 cards, each with its own imagery, symbolism and story. The 22 Major Arcana cards represent life's karmic and spiritual lessons, and the 56 Minor Arcana cards reflect the trials and tribulations that we experience on a daily basis.

Every spiritual lesson we meet in our lives can be found in the seventy-eight Tarot cards. And when we consult the Tarot, we’ll get shown the exact lessons we need to learn and master to live an inspired life. It’s like holding up a mirror to yourself so that you can access your subconscious mind and tap into the wisdom (and answers) that lives in us all.

Tarot is perfect for self-development, making choices, manifesting goals, coaching others, planning a business, meditating — you name it. Simply ask a question, pull a card, and dive into the imagery of the card to give you instant access to your inner wisdom and the answer you need.

The key point here is that at every level, the same variational, surprise-reducing dynamics must be in play to supply Markov blankets for the level above.

Life evolved through a series of steps in the blink of an eye that you now call billions of years. And in this holy instant came you, out of the sea, the water of life, onto the land and into the form you now hold.

Then the evolutionists are right!

I find it amusing — a source of continual amusement, actually — that you humans have such a need to break everything down into right and wrong. It never occurs to you that you’ve made those labels up to help you define the material — and your Self.

It never occurs to you (except to the finest minds among you) that a thing could be both right and wrong; that only in the relative world are things one or the other. In the world of the absolute, of time-no time, all things are everything.

There is no male and female, there is no before and after, there is no fast and slow, here and there, up and down, left and right — and no right and wrong.

Your astronauts and cosmonauts have gained a sense of this. They imagined themselves to be rocketing upward to get to outer space, only to find when they got there that they were looking up at the Earth. Or were they? Maybe they were looking down at the Earth! But then, where was the sun? Up? Down? No! Over there, to the left. So now, suddenly, a thing was neither up nor down — it was sideways… and all definitions thus disappeared.

So it is in My world — our world — our real realm. All definitions disappear, rendering it difficult to even talk about this realm in definitive terms. Religion is your attempt to speak of the unspeakable. It does not do a very good job.

No, My son, the evolutionists are not right. I created all of this — all of this — in the blink of an eye; in one holy instant — just as the creationists have said. And… it came about through a process of evolution taking billions and billions of what you call years, just as the evolutionists claim.

They are both “right.” As the cosmonauts discovered, it all depends on how you look at it.