Austrian physicist, Erwin Schrödinger, is one of the founders of quantum mechanics. But he's most famous for something he never actually did: a thought experiment involving a cat.

He imagined taking a cat and placing it in a sealed box with a device that had a 50% chance of killing the cat in the next hour. At the end of that hour he asked, "What is the state of the cat?"

Common sense suggests that the cat is either alive or dead. But Schrödinger pointed out that, according to quantum physics, the cat is equal parts alive and dead at the same time. It's only when the box is opened that we see a single definite state. Until then, the cat is a blur of probability: half one thing and half the other.

Naval: Does probability actually exist in the physical universe, or is it a function of our ignorance? If I’m rolling a die, I don’t know which way it’s going to land; so therefore I put in a probability. But does that mean there’s an actual probabilistic unknowable thing in the universe? Is the universe rolling a die somewhere, or is it always deterministic?

Brett: All probability is actually subjective. Uncertainty and randomness are subjective. You don’t know what the outcome’s going to be, so you roll a die. That’s because you individually do not know; it’s not because there is uncertainty there deeply in the universe. What we know about quantum theory is that all physically possible things occur.

This leads to the concept of the multiverse. Rather than refute all of the failed ways of trying to understand quantum theory, we’re going to take seriously what the equations of quantum theory say. What we’re compelled to think about quantum theory, given the experiments, is that every single possible thing that can happen does happen. This means that there is no inherent uncertainty in the universe because everything that can happen actually will happen. It’s not like some things will happen and some things won’t happen. Everything happens.

Have you ever asked yourself how the computer knows how to respond to every move the child makes with the joystick?

Yes, actually, I have wondered that.

It's all on the disc. The computer knows how to respond to every move the child makes because every possible move has already been placed on the disc, along with its appropriate response.

That's spooky. Almost surreal.

What, that every ending, and every twist and turn producing that ending, is already programmed on the disc? There's nothing "spooky" about it. It's just technology. And if you think the technology of video games is something, wait 'til you see the technology of the universe!

Think of the Cosmic Wheel as that CD-ROM. All the endings already exist. The universe is just waiting to see which one you choose this time. And when the game is over, whether you win, lose, or draw, the universe will say, "Want to play again?"

I’ve been deep diving into the real roots of why we feel afraid to share our spiritual messages, even with our close friends and family.

The answer lies in the witch wound.

We all have baggage around the word "witch," but one of my teachers Sarah Durham Wilson reframed it when she said that a witch is a powerful female healer.

And powerful female healers have been through the ringer.

The witch wound is the psychic trauma that all women carry after millennia of invalidation, disempowerment, and abuse. Patriarchal culture has systematically invalidated feminine gifts like intuition, embodiment, collaboration, emotional intelligence, and healing.

The witch wound is what rears its ugly head when any awakened woman has the audacity to put herself out there as her authentic, powerful, healing, intuitive, witchy self. It gets even more triggered when that same woman decides to charge what she’s worth for those gifts.

The witch wound holds us back from wealth — not just financial wealth, but the wealth of inner fulfillment, meaningful relationships, beautiful surroundings, and vibrant health — through subliminal shame and not-enoughness.

It is the trauma stored in our energy bodies of thousands of people — men and women — drowned, hanged, or burned at the stake only a few centuries ago for working with herbs, or using their intuition, or following the moon’s cycles. Basically, for going a different way than conventional society would like.

And for the record, choosing to start a spiritual business online and make money with your gifts is choosing a different way than society would like. [...]

It’s Time to Rise

This wisdom is ancient, but it is becoming mainstream enough that more and more women are feeling called to come out of the closet, share their truth (just look at #metoo), and not take no for an answer.

We are becoming less and less ashamed of being who we are — powerful, emotional, intuitive creatures who hold the mysteries of creation in our being.

In-tune, compassionate, collaborative leaders who are here to change the game.

Confident, articulate, no-fucks-given women who speak our truths, activate our gifts, and start movements with our message.

But… if everything has already happened, then it follows that I am powerless to change my future. Is this predestination?

No! Don’t buy into that! That is not true. In fact, this “set up” should serve you, not disserve you!

You are always at a place of free will and total choice. Being able to see into the “future” (or get others to do it for you) should enhance your ability to live the life you want, not limit it.

How? I need help here.

If you “see” a future event or experience you do not like, don’t choose it! Choose again! Select another! Change or alter your behavior so as to avoid the undesired outcome.

But how can I avoid that which has already happened?

It has not happened to you — yet! You are at a place in the Space-Time Continuum where you are not consciously aware of the occurrence. You do not “know” it has “happened.” You have not “remembered” your future!

(This forgetfulness is the secret of all time. It is what makes it possible for you to “play” the great game of life!)

What you do not “know” is not “so.” Since “you” do not “remember” your future, it has not “happened” to “you” yet! A thing “happens” only when it is “experienced.” A thing is “experienced” only when it is “known.”

Now let’s say you’ve been blessed with a brief glimpse, a split-second “knowing,” of your “future.” What’s happened is that your Spirit — the nonphysical part of you — has simply sped to another place on the Space-Time Continuum and brought back some residual energy — some images or impressions — of that moment or event.

These you can “feel” — or sometimes another who has developed a metaphysical gift can “feel” or “see” these images and energies that are swirling about you.

If you don’t like what you “sense” about your “future,” step away from that! Just step away from it! In that instant you change your experience — and everyone of You breathes a sigh of relief!

Wait a minute! Whoaaaa—?

You must know — you are now ready to be told — that you exist at every level of the Space-Time Continuum simultaneously.

That is, your soul Always Was, Always Is, and Always Will Be — world without end — amen.

I “exist” more places than one?

Of course! You exist everywhere — and at all times!

There is a “me” in the future and a “me” in the past?

Well, “future” and “past” do not exist, as we’ve just taken pains to understand — but, using those words as you have been using them, yes.

There is more than one of me?

There is only one of you, but you are much larger than you think!

So when the “me” that exists “now” changes something he doesn’t like about his “future,” the “me” that exists in the “future” no longer has that as part of his experience?

Essentially yes. The whole mosaic changes. But he never loses the experience he’s given himself. He’s just relieved and happy that “you” don’t have to go through that.

But the “me” in the “past” has yet to “experience” this, so he walks right into it?

In a sense, yes. But, of course, “you” can help “him.”

I can?

Sure. First, by changing what the “you” in front of you experienced, the “you” behind you may never have to experience it! It is by this device that your soul evolves.

In the same way, the future “you” got help from his own future self, thus helping you avoid what he did not.