Idea: a professional high-quality illustration of a giraffe dragon chimera...

Symbols that DALL·E generates:

Idea: an armchair in the shape of an avocado...

Symbols that DALL·E generates:

Idea: a cube made of noodles...

Symbols that DALL·E generates:

Idea: a storefront with the word "openai" written on it...

Symbols that DALL·E generates:

You: I am a successful high-end real estate agent.

Gaming engine: Okay, you are. Here's everything you need to experience yourself as a successful high-end real estate agent: the dream clients, the best properties with large commissions, the perfect buyers for those properties, the ideas to attract those buyers, etc.

You: I desperately want to be a millionaire.

Gaming engine: Okay, you do. Here's everything you need to experience yourself as desperately wanting to be a millionaire: get rich quick schemes, terrible ideas and terrible advice that lead to failure, not having a million dollars in your bank account no matter how hard you try.

You: I am a struggling actor.

Gaming engine: Okay, you are! Here's everything you need to experience yourself as a struggling actor: the auditions that seldom amount to anything, the lack of respect, the lack of consistent income.

You: There's never enough time!

Gaming engine: Okay, there isn't! Here's everything you need to experience yourself as never having enough time: the long meetings, interruptions, an overflowing inbox full of trivial emails, your kids getting sick, your car breaking down and needing to be fixed, etc.

You: I earn seven figures a year. But money only comes through grueling hard work, struggle, and sacrifice. The more I struggle and fight for it, the more I earn. I'm a manly man, and real men fight for the right to be proud of themselves.

Gaming engine: Okay. Your wish is my command. Here's everything you need to experience your masculine identity. I'll generate opportunities to earn plenty of money while working hard. Oh, and I'll constantly throw obstacles into your game so you have to struggle, sacrifice, compete and fight for your keep. The moment you stop doing that, I'll make sure the money dries up, just as you requested.

You: I earn seven figures a year. The more fun I have, the more money I make.

Gaming engine: Okay. Here's everything you need to experience yourself as earning plenty of money by doing what you love: the investment opportunities, the perfect job offer or business idea that feels like play, the clients who pay you for being yourself.

You: My life is an incredible adventure full of mystery, intrigue, serendipity, romance, and magic.

Gaming engine: Okay, it is. Here is a sequence of quests, characters, and storylines to give you a magical life full of mystery, serendipity, and romance: the handsome prince, the clues hidden in old books, the whimsical travel, the serendipitous collision of fate between two strangers.

You: We are material meat-robots lumbering around Earth until we die, and life is just pointless pain and suffering the whole way.

Gaming engine: Okay, it is. Here's everything you need to experience yourself as a material meat-robot with no connection to the superintelligence. And here are all the circumstances you need to experience a pointless life of pain and suffering, just as you requested.

You: No matter how "bad" it looks, everything is always rigged in my favor.

Gaming engine: Okay, it is. Here's a succession of events that look "bad" to most people but end up being rigged in your favor.

You: I can solve this ridiculously difficult technical problem, even though everyone else has failed to do it.

Gaming engine: Okay, you can. Here's everything you need to solve this problem: the ideas, the people, the information, the training, the resources, the time, the money.

Idea: an armchair in the shape of a strawberry...

Symbols that DALL·E generates: