The work of the soul is to wake yourself up. The work of God is to wake everybody else up. [...]

This you can do in two ways — by reminding them of Who They Are (very difficult, because they will not believe you), and by remembering Who You Are (much easier, because you do not need their belief, only your own).

Demonstrating this constantly ultimately reminds others of Who They Are, for they will see themselves in you.

Many Masters have been sent to the Earth to demonstrate Eternal Truth. Others, such as John the Baptist, have been sent as messengers, telling of the Truth in glowing terms, speaking of God with unmistakable clarity.

These special messengers have been gifted with extraordinary insight, and the very special power to see and receive Eternal Truth, plus the ability to communicate complex concepts in ways that can and will be understood by the masses. [...]

And so I have chosen you to be My messenger. You, and many others. For now, during these times immediately ahead, the world will need many trumpets to sound the clarion call. The world will need many voices to speak the words of truth and healing for which millions long. The world will need many hearts joined together in the work of the soul, and prepared to do the work of God.

Can you honestly claim that you are not aware of this?


Can you honestly deny that this is why you came?


Are you ready then, with this book, to decide and to declare your own Eternal Truth, and to announce and articulate the glory of Mine?

Must I include these last few exchanges in the book?

You don’t have to do anything. Remember, in our relationship you have no obligation. Only opportunity. Is this not the opportunity for which you have waited all your life? Have you not devoted your Self to this mission — and the proper preparation for it — from the earliest moments of youth?


Then do not what you are obliged to do, but what you have an opportunity to do.

As to placing all this in our book, why would you not? Think you that I want you to be a messenger in secret?

No, I suppose not.

It takes great courage to announce oneself as a man of God. You understand, the world will much more readily accept you as virtually anything else — but a man of God? An actual messenger? Every one of My messengers has been defiled. Far from gaining glory, they have gained nothing but heartache.

Are you willing? Does your heart ache to tell the truth about Me? Are you willing to endure the ridicule of your fellow human beings? Are you prepared to give up glory on Earth for the greater glory of the soul fully realized?

You've chosen to be here now because you know that the shift in the planet that's happening is going to require the deepest understanding possible of what light is on all the different levels, and essentially the idea of being a clearinghouse. It's almost like you're standing at the crossroads, answering questions for the travellers as they come by.

It is the mark of a primitive culture to imagine that simplicity is barbarian, and complexity is highly advanced. [...]

The more "complex" a system is, the more simple is its design. Indeed, it is utterly elegant in its simplicity.

The master understands this. That is why a highly evolved being lives in utter simplicity. It is why all highly evolved systems are also utterly simple. Highly evolved systems of governance, highly evolved systems of education, highly evolved systems of economics or religion — all are utterly, elegantly simple.

Few people understand the rhythms of life more than women. Women live their whole lives by rhythm. They are in rhythm with life itself.

Women are more able to “go with the flow” than men. Men want to push, pull, resist, direct the flow. Women experience it — then mold with it to produce harmony.

A woman hears the melody of flowers in the wind. She sees the beauty of the Unseen. She feels the tugs and pulls and urges of life. She knows when it is time to run, and time to rest; time to laugh and time to cry; time to hold on and time to let go.

Most women leave their bodies gracefully. Most men fight the departure. Women treat their bodies more gracefully when they are in them, too. Men treat their bodies horribly. That is the same way they treat life.

Of course, there are exceptions to every rule. I’m speaking here in generalities. I’m speaking of how things have been until now. I’m speaking in the broadest terms. But if you look at life, if you admit to yourself what you are seeing, have seen, if you acknowledge what is so, you may find truth in this generality.

Yet that makes me feel sad. That makes me feel as though women are somehow superior beings. That they have more of the “right stuff” than men.

Part of the glorious rhythm of life is the yin and the yang. One Aspect of “Being” is not “more perfect” or “better” than another. Both aspects are simply — and wonderfully — that: aspects.

Men, obviously, embody other reflections of Divinity, which women eye with equal envy.

Yet it has been said that being a man is your testing ground, or your probation. When you have been a man long enough — when you have suffered enough through your own foolishness; when you have inflicted enough pain through the calamities of your own creation; when you have hurt others enough to stop your own behaviors — to replace aggression with reason, contempt with compassion, always-winning with no-one-losing — then you may become a woman.

When you have learned that might is not “right”; that strength is not power over, but power with; that absolute power demands of others absolutely nothing; when you understand these things, then you may deserve to wear a woman’s body — for you will at last have understood her Essence.