Life Is A Game

Life is an infinitely flexible sandbox game, and you are a player.

Your Mission & Toolkit

Your mission is to create, and experience, Who You Really Are. The three tools of creation are thought / word / action.

The Game Mechanic

The game is constantly generating quests / characters / objects / circumstances to be used in the construction of Self. Who You Are is defined by how you think, speak, and act relative to everything you encounter.

Choice & Consequence

There is no right or wrong way to play the game. There is only choice and consequence. All choices have mathematical consequences that will eventually manifest in the game. What seems like karma, luck, or coincidence to you is nothing more than a computation playing out.

Mastering The Game

The computation is minimizing "free energy" — a mathematical measure of surprise. Therefore, you can master (and "hack") the game by learning to manipulate, rearrange, redistribute, and utterly control free energy.

This is a nuanced skill, but generally speaking it involves using thought / word / action to craft a version of yourself that would not experience surprise if you were to observe your desire manifesting in the game. For example, if you dream of becoming a millionaire, ask yourself this question: "Would I experience shock, surprise, disbelief, or a foreign unfamiliar feeling (e.g. worthiness) if I checked my bank account right now and my balance was over $1,000,000?" If the answer is "yes," then you've got work to do.

Focus On Self

Hence, mastering the game involves mastering yourself. Masters understand that it doesn’t matter what others are being, doing, having, saying, wanting, demanding. It doesn't matter what the game is manifesting around you. It only matters what you are being in relationship to that. Always, always, always remain focused on Self.

Mastery Is A Process

The game will constantly call you to create, express, and experience higher and higher aspects of yourself, grander and grander visions of yourself, ever more evolved versions of yourself. Thus, mastery is a process  —  an internal state of being  —  not a final destination. You are on a journey to nowhere.