"And think about this line: 'You cannot be what you do not know your Self to be.' That's why there's an emphasis on knowledge in these light realms. This also ties back to the Book of Genesis, where Eve plucked the forbidden fruit from the Tree of Knowledge. She had to forget all knowledge in order to remember that knowledge. By going through this process, she could create and experience herself.

Notice, also, how light symbolically represents knowledge. When you turn on the light, you can see things clearly. We even call the evolution of human consciousness 'enlightenment'whether that takes place on an individual or societal level. In fact, the Age of Enlightenment is described like this in Wikipedia..."

The Age of Enlightenment (also known as the Age of Reason or simply the Enlightenment) was an intellectual and philosophical movement that dominated the world of ideas in Europe during the 17th to 19th centuries. [...]

The Enlightenment included a range of ideas centered on the sovereignty of reason and the evidence of the senses as the primary sources of knowledge and advanced ideals such as liberty, progress, toleration, fraternity, constitutional government and separation of church and state. In France, the central doctrines of the Enlightenment philosophers were individual liberty and religious tolerance, in opposition to an absolute monarchy and the fixed dogmas of the Catholic Church. The Enlightenment was marked by an emphasis on the scientific method and reductionism, along with increased questioning of religious orthodoxy.
Age of Enlightenment Wikipedia

"As you can see, enlightenment is the pursuit of knowledge and truth, rather than merely accepting the dogmatic, irrational beliefs of our forefathers. In this way, enlightenment involves moving out of fear and towards love. Love is the ultimate Truthand the truth will always prevail, sooner or later.

I mean, think about itback when we were neanderthals, humans were like animals. We could only hold tiny prediction errors, which meant we couldn't do highly abstract mathematics or conceive of inventing the internet or airplanes. As Arthur C. Clarke said, 'Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.' Planes and the internet would have looked like magic to neanderthals. It seems likely, then, that our knowledge in the future will allow us to do things that appear magical to us now. As human consciousness evolves, so does our power. We are remembering Who We Really Are, which is infinite.

Now, I want to refer back to the model I made earlier in the evening when we discussed variable frame rates."

Light experiences reality at one frame per eternity. A black hole experiences the inverse.

"Light experiences no change, and no relativity. It is everywhere, all at once, all the time. To create the illusion of separation and relativitybefore and after, here and therewe need to increase the frame rate.

Now, what happens if we combine this idea with our model of the little candle soul in the sun? Remember, the soul wanted to know itself as the light, so God created the polar opposite of light: fear. Fear is an illusive shadow that obscures the light and creates the illusion of separation. The more fear and forgetfulness that exist in a realm, the higher its frame rate should be. A higher frame rate would make that realm more 'dense.'"

The more fear in the system, the more 'dense' that reality would be.

"The light realm, on the other hand, would be woven from the combined consciousness of enlightened Markov-blanketed 'things.' Since the souls there don't experience fear, they have remembered Who They Are and exist closer to the light (Truth). Mathematically, that would make their reality far more wondrous and malleable than ours."

Because there is less fear in the light realms, you'd expect reality to be more malleable.

"Why would it be more malleable?" Zac asked.

"I'll explain that in a bit. Right now, I just want you to notice how this information in The Holographic Universe overlaps perfectly with Conversations With God..."

Then why are we here?

To remember, and re-create, Who You Are.

I have told you, over and over again. You do not believe Me. Yet that is well as it should be. For truly, if you do not create yourself as Who You Are, that you cannot be.

Okay, You’ve lost me. Let’s go back to this school bit. I’ve heard teacher after teacher tell us that life is a school. I’m frankly shocked to hear You deny that.

School is a place you go if there is something you do not know that you want to know. It is not a place you go if you already know a thing and simply want to experience your knowingness.

Life (as you call it) is an opportunity for you to know experientially what you already know conceptually. You need learn nothing to do this. You need merely remember what you already know, and act on it.
Conversations With God Neale Donald Walsch

"Yeah. They're saying the same thing," Zac said. "The emphasis on learning in the light realms is really just an emphasis on remembering what you forgot."
