"Exactly," I replied. "Now, before we move on, I want you to notice the description of the architecture in the light realms: 'They are also frequently described as foreign in architecture, and so sublimely beautiful that, like all the other features of the implicate dimensions, words fail to convey their grandeur. In describing one such city, Swedenborg said that it was a place 'of staggering architectural design, so beautiful that you would claim this is the home and source of art itself.''

If you play with our frame rate model, you can replace the concept of pure light with other words that represent God. Then, on the opposite end of the scale, you can place their polarity."

As you move away from God (light/love/truth/etc) you head further towards the negative polarity.

"Notice a few things here. Firstly, the opposite of light is dark. In the world of the relative, we tend to think of evil as an opposing force to good, and darkness is symbolically synonymous with evil in our mythology. But if you look carefully, you'll notice that darkness is not an opposing forceit is merely the absence of light. If you turn on the light, the darkness disappears, revealing the Truth. The Truth was always there, but you just couldn't see it in the dark.

Secondly, the reference to beautiful architecture in the light realms reminded me of an experiment on ice crystals, run by a man named Dr. Masaru Emoto. People who regard themselves as 'skeptical' and 'rational' love to roll their eyes and yell 'pseudoscientist!' whenever his name is mentioned. However, we've already established that skeptics are pretty shit at being skeptical about their own belief systems, so I don't value their opinion on these topics. I recently came across this snippet on the internet that comments on Emoto's work. It was written by a physics professor at Caltech who specializes in the study of ice crystals."

If you haven't heard of Mr. Emoto, he has published several books claiming that ice crystals grow differently when water is first exposed to different thoughts and feelings. For example, he may start by playing assorted varieties of music — jazz, classical, rock-and-roll, etc. — to different containers of water. The music is then turned off and the "treated" water is used to grow snow crystals. He claims that the different musical treatments yield different types of snow crystals, and shows us pictures of the results to prove his case.

If you think it defies common sense that water does this, you are right. In fact water does not respond to thoughts and feelings — it's just water. How then does one explain Mr. Emoto's experiments? My best guess is that Mr. Emoto grows hundreds of crystals and then selects different shapes to demonstrate whatever point he wishes to make. For example, when the water was exposed to classical music he picks out some beautiful crystals to show us. For rock-and-roll, he selects some ugly crystals and shows us those. He then concludes that classical music makes beautiful crystals while rock-and-roll makes ugly ones. What he does not show us is that both musical treatments made the same numbers of beautiful and ugly crystals. The "treatments" actually had no effect.

Do I know Mr. Emoto does this? No, which is why I called it a guess. Mr. Emoto has never published his work in a reputable scientific forum, where it would be scrutinized. He only presents it in self-published books, where he is free to say whatever he wants. Basic physics says the work cannot be correct, and Mr. Emoto has not convinced the scientific community that his experiments have any merit whatsoever.

Have I tried to reproduce Mr. Emoto's experiments? No, and I don't intend to. While I try to keep an open mind to new ideas, this one is just too outrageous. I only have limited time and resources, so I study ideas that I think are more likely to be fruitful. As we liked to say back on the farm in North Dakota — it's good to have an open mind, but not so open that your brains fall out!

"This man perfectly sums up the problem with the scientific establishment today. He says, 'If you think it defies common sense that water does this, you are right.' He also says, 'Have I tried to reproduce Mr. Emoto's experiments? No, and I don't intend to.' This professor of physics has been presented with evidence that contradicts his materialist worldview. Instead of becoming curious about the data, he invents a story to minimize his own surprise, saying, 'Oh, but Emoto must be a charlatan because his experimental results are impossible.' Does this professor have any evidence that Emoto fabricated his results? No. Does he bother to reproduce the experiment? No. Instead, he blames Emoto for self-publishing his findings rather than going through an academic peer-review process. But guess who would be reviewing Emoto's work in a peer-review process? Academics with the same cognitive bias as this professor! Academics who assume Emoto's results are impossible, just like they assume NDEs are impossible and therefore brush them off as hallucinationseven though there are piles of evidence for NDEs, including accounts where NDEs occurred alongside flat EEG readings!

You can't blame Emoto for publishing outside a system that is rigged against him and corrupt-as-fuck. It's equivalent to blaming a black man for starting his own business instead of applying for a job at the only company in town, which happens to be run by racist KKK members. This physics professor is basically saying, 'if this black man can't rise to the top of our company, then his work must be terrible.' It's cute how these scientists think their institution is a pure meritocracy. They're completely oblivious to their own bias.

Anyway, I don't want to turn this into another rant. I actually don't know anything about the quality of Emoto's experiments. For all I know, they could've been bungled. But that's what science is supposed to do: replicate results. These results won't be replicated if everyone just dismisses them as 'impossible' without any serious consideration. And-"

"Wait. What did Emoto actually do?" Zac asked.

"He found evidence that the molecular structure of water can be affected by consciousness. I want to be clear, thoughthis is not proof of anything. Many 'New Age' people jump up and down and say his findings are 'proof' when they are just another data point worth considering. I'm going to treat them as exactly that: a data point.

So here's what Emoto did that was so controversial. He took samples of water and exposed each sample to a different message. Some samples had music played to them, and some samples had a label like 'I love you' or 'You disgust me' taped to them. Other samples were blessed by monks or had thoughts and words directed at them every day for a period of time. Emoto would then freeze each sample and observe the structure of the crystals that formed. Here are some examples of his findings..."

Photographs of Emoto's ice crystals

"Oh, wow," Zac said. "The samples with positive messages are way more beautiful."

"Ah, but beauty is a subjective thing," I replied. "It's not the beauty you should be interested in. There is another pattern that is more objective. So tell mewhat makes an ice crystal beautiful?"

"Well, I guess the beautiful ones are more structured and intricate and symmetrical and-"

"Right!" I said. "Their entropy is lower. Each little molecule in the crystal must be in a very specific place to create structure, symmetry, and order. Compare that to the 'negative' crystals, which seemingly have no structure at all. Their entropy is higher. They are more disordered; more chaotic. It's almost as if the 'negative' crystals don't know Who They Are."

"What does that mean?" Zac asked.

"Let's go back to this quote, where God talks about relationships…"

Let’s say that people tend to see in themselves what we see in them. The grander our vision, the grander their willingness to access and display the part of them we have shown them.

Isn’t that how all truly blessed relationships work? Isn’t that part of the healing process—the process by which we give people permission to “let go” of every false thought they’ve ever had about themselves?
Conversations With God Neale Donald Walsch

"Think about what happens when you put a child in an unloving environment where he is yelled at and ridiculed. Adults say 'you make me sick' and call the child a fooljust like the ice crystals. Do you think the child will have an easy time blossoming into his most beautiful, intelligent, and authentic Self? Do you think the child will be able to clearly define and enforce boundaries that express self-love, and thus keep his Markov-blanketed Self in a low-entropy, particular state? I don't think so. The child will be like the 'negative' ice crystal, with no distinct boundaries or sense of Self."

"You mean, the child will forget Who They Are?" Zac asked.

"Yes. We've already established that fear is literally a lie. If you tell a child lies like 'you're worthless and disgusting,' he will forget his own authentic, true, God-like magnificence. This happens all the time with people. Fear causes people to turn into mimetic 'blobs' of consciousness without a clear sense of Self. We become the person we think others want us to be because we fear their disapproval. We fear losing our job if we speak the truth. We fear being ridiculed. We fear our own potential, or we fear that we're not good enough. Fear keeps us from enforcing clear, strict boundaries that keep us in a low-entropy state. As a result, our sense of self tends to mimic the 'ugly' negative crystals.

How would you feel if you lived in a world without fear? Imagine there was no fear about money, safety, health, societal acceptance, judgment? What if we lived in an environment with no shame? What if all that existed was unconditional loving acceptance, and people saw you for exactly Who You Are? Wouldn't everybody be free to express the grandest, most authentic, most beautiful, most magnificent, truest version of themselves?"

"Yeah, I guess so," Zac replied.

"Right. This is a holographic pattern that echoes at all levels of the universenot just humans. Love heals and allows Markov-blanketed 'things' to be the grandest, most authentic version of themselves. Fear hinders that authentic self-expression, and makes 'things' forget Who They Are. You'll notice, then, that the 'ugly' negative crystals have forgotten their own specific magnificence. Meanwhile, the 'beautiful' crystals have expressed their most authentic, well-defined selves."

Zac cringed. "That still sounds a bit woo-"

"Yet again, it's not 'woo,' Zac. It's math. If you study the algorithm, it explains this pattern. Your expectation and intention towards a 'thing' mathematically affects how that 'thing' manifests. We already examined this pattern when we talked about businesses, but let's look at it again."

The ice crystal is in an environment full of unconditional love (and, therefore, Truth)

"Let's pretend this star represents an ice crystal. If the ice crystal exists within a Markov-blanketed system that speaks Truth and love (because the Truth is love), then there is no surprise in the system. The system observes the Truth of the ice crystal's magnificence, and the ice crystal is free to express that truest, most magnificent, most unique version of itself, completely uninhibited."

The snowflake is placed in a fear-based environment, which creates surprise. It 'forgets' its own magnificence.

"Now put that same ice crystal in a fear-based environment. Fear is any thought that would deny the Truth, and is therefore a lie. As soon as the system casts an illusory fear-based expectation on the ice crystal, surprise is generated in the system. The ice crystal is no longer free to express the most magnificent version of itself. Instead, it has to minimize surprise in the system and conform to the lowered expectations of its enclosing system. It 'forgets' who it is, and loses its specific, low-entropy shape. Actually, God explicitly points out this pattern here…"

Plants — which you consider an even lower form of life — respond to people who love them far better than to those who couldn’t care less.

None of this is by coincidence. There is no coincidence in the universe —only a grand design; an incredible “snowflake.”
Conversations With God Neale Donald Walsch

"So," I continued, "if humans and plants respond to love far better than fear, why not water as well? If the universe is functioning holographically, the same pattern would be found everywhereand it is. A beautiful, healthy plant is in a low-entropy, ordered state, whereas an unhealthy plant is in a high-entropy, disordered state. In fact, health is just a measure of entropy. The more unhealthy you are, the more disordered your body is. Eventually, you become so unhealthy that you die, which is the ultimate state of disorder. This same pattern is found in Emoto's ice crystals: the ice crystals exposed to love (Truth) are in a 'healthy' low entropy, ordered state. The ice-crystals exposed to fear (lies) are in an 'unhealthy,' disordered, high entropy state."
