"Anyway, I'll continue reading from The Holographic Universe."

That is why we have been placed here on earth, say the beings, to learn that love is the key. They acknowledge that it is a difficult undertaking, but intimate that it is crucial to both our biological and spiritual existence in ways that we have perhaps not even begun to fathom. Even children return from the near-death realm with this message firmly impressed in their thoughts. States one little boy who after being hit by a car was guided into the world beyond by two people in “very white” robes: “What I learned there is that the most important thing is loving while you are alive.”

The second thing the beings emphasize is knowledge. Frequently NDEers comment that the beings seemed pleased whenever an incident involving knowledge or learning flickered by during their life review. Some are openly counselled to embark on a quest for knowledge after they return to their physical bodies, especially knowledge related to self-growth or that enhances one’s ability to help other people. Others are prodded with statements such as “learning is a continuous process and goes on even after death” and “knowledge is one of the few things you will be able to take with you after you have died.”

The preeminence of knowledge in the afterlife dimension is apparent in another way. Some NDEers discovered that in the presence of the light they suddenly had direct access to all knowledge. This access manifested in several ways. Sometimes it came in response to inquiries. One man said that all he had to do is ask a question, such as what would it be like to be an insect, and instantly the experience was his. Another NDEer described it by saying, “You can think of a question… and immediately know the answer to it. As simple as that. And it can be any question whatsoever. It can be on a subject that you don’t know anything about, that you are not in the proper position to even understand and the light will give you the instantaneous correct answer and make you understand it.

Some NDEers report that they didn’t even have to ask questions in order to access this infinite library of information. Following their life review they just suddenly knew everything, all the knowledge there was to know from the beginning of time to the end. Others came into contact with this knowledge after the being of light made some specific gesture, such as waving its hand. Still others said that instead of acquiring the knowledge, they remembered it, but forgot most of what they recalled as soon as they returned to their physical bodies (an amnesia that seems to be universal among NDEers who are privy to such visions). Whatever the case, it appears that once we are in the world beyond, it is no longer necessary to enter an altered state of consciousness in order to have access to the transpersonal and infinitely interconnected information realm experienced by Grof’s patients.
The Holographic Universe Michael Talbot

"There are a few obvious dots to connect in there," I said.

"I noticed the reference to 'remembering' knowledge."

"Yep. That's one of the dots. The other one is 'You can think of a question… and immediately know the answer to it.' That reminds me of this paragraph from Conversations With God…"

Faith. If you have but the faith of a mustard seed, you shall move mountains. You come to know it is there because I said it is there; because I said that, even before you ask, I shall have answered; because I said, and have said to you in every conceivable way, through every teacher you can name, that whatsoever you shall choose, choosing it in My Name, so shall it be.
Conversations With God Neale Donald Walsch

"That's pretty cool," Zac said. "But how come we don't have instant access to all knowledge, right here in physical reality? If God always answers before we ask, how come we have to wait for the answer to arrive?"

"Because if you were to ask a question and immediately know the answer, you'd be surprised," I replied. "The system is designed to minimize surprise. It's not that you don't have the power to receive knowledge and insightit's that you don't remember that you have the power to receive knowledge and insight. God says, 'Yet you are always limited by your knowingness—for you—we—are a self-created being. You cannot be what you do not know your Self to be.'"
