"Anyway, let's move on to the rest of our NDE analysis. I'll keep reading from The Holographic Universe…"

Another feature Ring finds undeniably holographic is NDEers’ descriptions of time and space in the afterlife realm. One of the most commonly reported characteristics of the world beyond is that it is a dimension in which time and space cease to exist. “I found myself in a space, in a period of time, I would say, where all space and time was negated,” says one NDEer clumsily. “It has to be out of time and space. It must be, because... it can’t be put into a time thing,” says another. Given that time and space are collapsed and location has no meaning in the frequency domain, this is precisely what we would expect to find if NDEs take place in a holographic state of consciousness, says Ring.
The Holographic Universe Michael Talbot

"Have you heard of the Akashic records before?" I asked.

"No. What are they?"

"They're a field of information that exists in a realm of no space or time, just like this after-life dimension. They contain every thought, word, deed, feeling and intent of every soul-"

"Every Markov blanket?"

"Yep. Every Markov-blanketed soul has a record. Mystics can read the record of a soul. Information from every lifetimeincluding past, present, and future possibilitiesis available. You can also read information on the soul's essence, or blueprint, to get some clarity on Who You Are at your core."

"And humans can 'read' these records?"

"Yeah. Mystics can. They're scary accurate."

"So, you've had a reading done before?"

"Yep. Two, actually. It was like having a conversation directly with my soul."

"What did they say?"

"I'll tell you later," I smiled. "Let's continue."
