"Anyway," I continued, "let's start tying this together with other concepts. I'm going to read another snippet from The Holographic Universe about symbolic communication in dreams."

Although Ullman believes such findings are evidence of the underlying state of interconnectedness Bohm is talking about, he feels that an even more profound example of holographic wholeness can be found in another aspect of dreaming. That is the ability of our dreaming selves often to be far wiser than we ourselves are in our waking state. For instance, Ullman says that in his psychoanalytic practice he could have a patient who seemed completely unenlightened when he was awake — mean, selfish, arrogant, exploitative, and manipulative; a person who had fragmented and dehumanized all of his interpersonal relationships. But no matter how spiritually blind a person may be, or unwilling to recognize his or her own shortcomings, dreams invariably depict their failings honestly and contain metaphors that seem designed to prod him or her gently into a state of greater self-awareness.

Moreover, such dreams were not one-time occurrences. During the course of his practice Ullman noticed that when one of his patients failed to recognize or accept some truth about himself, that truth would surface again and again in his dreams, in different metaphorical guises and linked with different related experiences from his past, but always in an apparent attempt to offer him new opportunities to come to terms with the truth.
The Holographic Universe Michael Talbot

"That last paragraph communicates the same idea as the one I mentioned earlier from Conversations With God…"

Your world would not be in its present condition were you to have simply listened to your experience. The result of your not listening to your experience is that you keep re-living it, over and over again. For My purpose will not be thwarted, nor My will be ignored. You will get the message. Sooner or later. I will not force you to, however. I will never coerce you. For I have given you free will—the power to do as you choose—and I will never take that away from you, ever.

And so I will continue sending you the same messages over and over again, throughout the millennia and to whatever corner of the universe you occupy. Endlessly will I send you My messages, until you have received them and held them close, calling them your own.
Conversations With God Neale Donald Walsch

"If our reality is structured holographically, then dreams and light realms aren't the only places where God communicates with us through symbols. As above, so below; as within, so without. If dreams communicate through symbols, then physical reality does too. Rememberthere is no separation between everything inside of you, and everything outside of you. They're the same thing. Here, listen to the conclusion of Conversations With God…"

Do not feel abandoned. I am always with you. If you have questions — day-to-day questions — as I know you do even now, and will continue to — know that you can call on Me to answer them. You do not need the form of this book.

This is not the only way I speak to you. Listen to Me in the truth of your soul. Listen to Me in the feelings of your heart. Listen to Me in the quiet of your mind.

Hear Me, everywhere. Whenever you have a question, simply know that I have answered it already. Then open your eyes to your world. My response could be in an article already published. In the sermon already written and about to be delivered. In the movie now being made. In the song just yesterday composed. In the words about to be said by a loved one. In the heart of a new friend about to be made.

My Truth is in the whisper of the wind, the babble of the brook, the crack of the thunder, the tap of the rain.

It is the feel of the earth, the fragrance of the lily, the warmth of the sun, the pull of the moon.

My Truth — and your surest help in time of need — is as awesome as the night sky, and as simply, incontrovertibly, trustful as a baby’s gurgle. It is as loud as a pounding heartbeat — and as quiet as a breath taken in unity with Me.

I will not leave you, I cannot leave you, for you are My creation and My product, My daughter and My son, My purpose and My… Self.

Call on Me, therefore, wherever and whenever you are separate from the peace that I am.

I will be there.

With Truth.

And Light

And Love.
Conversations With God Neale Donald Walsch

"But God doesn't talk to me," Zac said. "I never get messages like that."

"You do realize that sentence is self-creative, right? If you believe God doesn't communicate with you, you'll get a physical experience of God not communicating with youbecause anything else would be surprising. It's not that he doesn't communicate, or won't communicateit's that you're not listening."

"I guess I've always believed the world is material, and there is no God."

"Exactly. So you get a physical experience of living in a material world with no God. If something co-incidental happens, and you're tempted to label it 'mystical,' you just pin it on confirmation bias. Labeling uncanny coincidences 'confirmation bias' minimizes your own surprise because you believe the universe is random and purposeless. Therefore, when other people talk about uncanny coincidence, you label it confirmation bias, too. You might also call them 'woo woo' and irrational, which is the epitome of irony considering you're the one holding the irrational belief in a 'purposeless' and 'random' universea belief that simply cannot be defended from first principles."

"Okay. Point taken."
