"Anyway, the underlying message in the hero's journey is simple and applicable to all genders: step into the grandest version of yourself. Be the hero of your own story, and triumph over your fear. As you do this, you light up the world and help others step into their power. This is how we create a better world for ourselves. Even the author of Conversations With God talks about this dynamic as it pertains to publishing his book…"

The work of the soul is to wake yourself up. The work of God is to wake everybody else up.

We do this by seeing others as Who They Are — by reminding them of Who They Are.

This you can do in two ways — by reminding them of Who They Are (very difficult, because they will not believe you), and by remembering Who You Are (much easier, because you do not need their belief, only your own). Demonstrating this constantly ultimately reminds others of Who They Are, for they will see themselves in you.

Many Masters have been sent to the Earth to demonstrate Eternal Truth. Others, such as John the Baptist, have been sent as messengers, telling of the Truth in glowing terms, speaking of God with unmistakable clarity.

These special messengers have been gifted with extraordinary insight, and the very special power to see and receive Eternal Truth, plus the ability to communicate complex concepts in ways that can and will be understood by the masses.

You are such a messenger.

I am?

Yes. Do you believe this?

It is such a difficult thing to accept. I mean, all of us want to be special…

… all of you are special…

… and the ego gets in there — at least with me it does, and tries to make us feel somehow “chosen” for an amazing assignment. I have to fight that ego all the time, seek to purify and re-purify my every thought, word, and deed so as to keep personal aggrandizement out of it. So it’s very difficult to hear what you’re saying, because I’m aware that it plays to my ego, and I’ve spent all my life fighting my ego.

I know you have.

And sometimes not too successfully.

I am chagrined to have to agree.

Yet always when it has come to God, you have let the ego drop. Many is the night you have begged and pleaded for clarity, beseeched the heavens for insight, not so that you could enrich yourself, or heap honor upon yourself, but out of the deep purity of a simple yearning to know.


And you have promised Me, over and over again, that should you be caused to know, you would spend the rest of your life — every waking moment — sharing Eternal Truth with others… not out of a need to gain glory, but out of your heart’s deepest desire to end the pain and suffering of others; to bring joy and gladness, and help and healing; to reconnect others with the sense of partnership with God you have always experienced.

Yes. Yes.

And so I have chosen you to be My messenger. You, and many others. For now, during these times immediately ahead, the world will need many trumpets to sound the clarion call. The world will need many voices to speak the words of truth and healing for which millions long. The world will need many hearts joined together in the work of the soul, and prepared to do the work of God.

Can you honestly claim that you are not aware of this?


Can you honestly deny that this is why you came?


Are you ready then, with this book, to decide and to declare your own Eternal Truth, and to announce and articulate the glory of Mine?

Must I include these last few exchanges in the book?

You don’t have to do anything. Remember, in our relationship you have no obligation. Only opportunity. Is this not the opportunity for which you have waited all your life? Have you not devoted your Self to this mission — and the proper preparation for it — from the earliest moments of youth?


Then do not what you are obliged to do, but what you have an opportunity to do.

As to placing all this in our book, why would you not? Think you that I want you to be a messenger in secret?

No, I suppose not.

It takes great courage to announce oneself as a man of God. You understand, the world will much more readily accept you as virtually anything else — but a man of God? An actual messenger? Every one of My messengers has been defiled. Far from gaining glory, they have gained nothing but heartache.

Are you willing? Does your heart ache to tell the truth about Me? Are you willing to endure the ridicule of your fellow human beings? Are you prepared to give up glory on Earth for the greater glory of the soul fully realized?
Conversations With God Neale Donald Walsch

"Was he special, or anything?" Zac asked. "Like, did he have some best-selling books under his belt before he was 'chosen' to write this one?"

"Not that I'm aware of," I shrugged. "When he wrote that book, he was just an average, broke guy. In fact, that's probably why the book resonated with so many people. He was frustrated with life, with relationships, with health, with money. Nothing had worked for him, so God told him why. His situation made him more relatable, and therefore better able to communicate with the masses. He stepped into the grander version of himself, and his life changed."
