"There's one more thing I want to point out about the hero's journey. The King, Warrior, Magician, and Lover archetypes actually represent the four fundamental qualities that must be developed in order to master the hero's journey, and therefore, master life.

Imagine a team of four people embark on a quest. The King is the leader. He takes charge of the expedition and rallies the troops. When obstacles are met, he keeps a cool head and pulls order out of the chaos. As he expands his realm, he does so with love and inspires others to expand their realms, too.

The Magician is the holder of secret and hidden knowledge. He is a master of his chosen craft and attained his knowledge through years of focus. He is reflective, spiritual, and can strategize and apply his knowledge to the journey at hand. The Magician sharpens the sword of the Warrior with his thought.

The Warrior charges forth into chaos and fights for what he believes in. He is powerful and vigilant. He travels light, studying the enemy's weaknesses and attacking in a swift and flexible manner. He only destroys to make way for fresher, more vibrant creations. To quote Robert Moore, the Warrior 'has absolute mastery of the technology of his trade…the technology that enables him to reach his goal. He has developed skill with the 'weapons' he uses to implement his decisions.'

And finally, you have the Lover, who adores the whole process. The Lover is sensual and idealistic and emotional. He feels all of life. He revels in the experience of the journey. He feels connected to everyone and everything around him.

In order to successfully master life, one must develop their team: the King, the Magician, the Warrior, and the Lover. A team is only as effective as its weakest link, so if any of these archetypes remain undeveloped, life becomes a struggle. These archetypes also represent the same idea as this passage we read earlier..."

The function of the soul is to indicate its desire, not impose it.

The function of the mind is to choose from its alternatives.

The function of the body is to act out that choice.

When body, mind, and soul create together, in harmony and in unity, God is made flesh.
Conversations With God Neale Donald Walsch

"The Lover is the soul, reveling in every facet of the sensual journey of life. The Magician is the mind, liaising between the spiritual (infinite) and physical (relative) realms; strategizing and learning. The Warrior is the body, expressing desires into dense, physical reality through action. The King is the healthy integration of the other archetypes: 'When body, mind, and soul create together, in harmony and in unity, God is made flesh.' The King is a master. He turns his grandest vision into reality, and he does so with love."
