Before I could shut my laptop, a Gmail notification popped up in the top right-hand corner of my screen. I opened an email from Darren.

Subject: Free Energy Principle
From: Darren Mack
Body: This was the article about that neuroscientist I was talking about. Let me know what you think!

I'd run into Darren at the coffee machine earlier that morning. We hadn't really seen each other since our Shanghai trip a few years ago. Before long, he asked the inevitable question: "What have you been up to?"

"I just got back from Thailand," I replied. "Before that, I was living in Colombia for a bit, and Brisbane before that."

Wait for it. Wait for it...

"Wow. Living the dream," he smiled.

Oh, if only he knew the truth. "Yeah, well, I'm a bit over it, to be honest. I'm just consulting a few days a week while I figure out what I want to do next. I think I'm done with tech startups. I'm trying to figure out how to change careers."

"To what?" Darren asked.

"Umm... it sounds a bit odd-"

"Nikki, we're in an office full of startup founders. Everyone's a bit odd."

"Umm..." I hesitated. "Well, I've become quite fascinated with the fundamental nature of reality — particularly the intersection between science and spirituality. I don't know how that will turn into a different career, but it's something I want to explore."

"Yeah, cool. I wouldn't have guessed that. It sounds fascinating, though."

I felt so awkward talking about my esoteric obsessions out loud. I'd spent years keeping my true passions hidden from the world. I was always a little surprised when people took an interest in them.

"Actually," he continued, "I was reading an article the other day in Wired magazine about a neuroscientist who has potentially found the organizing principle of consciousness. What was his name... Freeton? Friston? Yeah, Friston. Anyway, I'll send it over if you want. You might find it interesting."
